We’re happy to help you find cattle that fit both your needs and budget. Cattle are available private treaty from the farm as well as through several sales throughout the year. Show heifers and steers are marketed via a bid off sale or private treaty and a select group of bulls (breeding age or show prospects) are available off the farm. Cattle are available through several sales throughout the year including the Dixie National Simmental Sale in February and the Banners and Beyond Sales, which market cattle via a live sale each May and an online sale each October.
Dixie National Sale
2024 Dixie National Simmental Sale
February 10, 2024 - Jackson, Mississippi
The Dixie National Simmental Sale is held each February in conjunction with the Dixie National Livestock Show and Rodeo. Our offering typically includes embryos, open heifers, bred heifers, and/or bulls.
View Additional Sale Details

MBK Cash 926L
SimAngus Bull
Birthdate: 3/1/2023
SO Remedy x Starshine
ASA #: 4234309

MBK Domino 150K
Selling 10 units of semen
Percentage Simbrah Bull
BGB/MBK Mr. Van Winkle x Hagan Roxie
ASA #: 4182305
Private Treaty Sales
Available Now
Purebred and Percentage Spring Heifers and Bulls
Sired by Geff County O, CDI Innovator, W/C Fort Knox, and WHF Elmer T
Pictures Coming Soon
Previously Sold

Mr CCF Vision x MBK Southern Bell 10B
Sold to Joseph Roberts

WHF Elmer T F316 x 119E
Sold to Delton and Chase Boone
Banners and Beyond Sale
As a founding member of the Banners and Beyond Sale group, we offer bred heifers, bred cows, cow/calf pairs, and opened heifers via an online sale (October) and in person sale (May).

Previous Banners and Beyond Sale Consignments

WHF Elmer T x Miss JRW Amazing A053
Sold to Ryan Clanton

JSUL Something About Mary x 3ACES Black Blaze D416
Sold to Joseph Roberts

CCR Wide Range X Miss CCF Sheza Dreamer
Sold to Fenton Farms

Let's Chat!
Give us a call or shoot us an email about how we can help fill your needs for your next show heifer, bred heifer, cow, or herd sire. We'd love to visit about how we can help you!
648 Polly Bell Rd., Starkville, MS 39759
Matt: 979-249-6172 | Brandi: 225-717-3324
Contact Us